2-3 years of age
- Strings four large beads
- Snips with scissors
- Holds crayon with thumb and fingers (not fist)
- Imitates circular, vertical, horizontal strokes
- Draws with some wrist action
- May begin cooperative play
- Begins to use symbols in their play such as a stick becoming a sword
3-4 years of age
- Builds tower of nine small blocks
- Copies circle, imitates cross
- Begins to establish a dominant hand
- Uses non dominant hand to assist and stabilize the use of objects (ex. holding the paper during coloring)
- Cuts paper in half using scissors
- Takes turns with other children (can be with assistance)
- Plays cooperatively with 2 or 3 children in a group (can be with assistance)
- Play themes expand beyond personal experience (e.g. fireman rescuing people, princess, etc...)
4-5 years of age
- Cuts on line continuously
- Able to cut out a circle and square while staying within 1/2 inch of the line
- Copies cross, square
- Writes name, copies upper case letters
- Copies numbers 1-5
- Handedness well established
- Dresses and undresses independently
- Begins taking turns and negotiating with peers independently
- Usually prefers playing with other children than playing by themselves
- Plays imaginatively (e.g. dressing up, cooking)
- Able to sit in circle time for 10-15 minutes independently
By the time your child enters Kindergarten, they should be able to:
- Write their name (first and last) and 80-100% of all upper case letters
- Write their numbers 1-9, at the very least
- Cut out a circle and square
- Display an appropriate pencil grasp (tripod or emerging tripod)
- Able to sit in circle time for 15-20 minutes independently
- Independent in all self help tasks (shoes (on/off), bathroom, etc...)