OT Activity of the Day:
Color and shape identification with movement
Target Age Range: 3 and up
This is a lot like the game "Hullabaloo" only more adaptable. You can add as many shapes and colors as you want and pace at whatever speed your child is at. You can also place letters or words on the cards and practice identifying letters and sight words. All you need is colored paper and scissors.
The idea is to spread all the cards around the room. Again, make as many shapes or use as many colors as you would like, the sky is the limit! Then challenge your child to move in different ways (bear walk, frog hop, walk backwards, on tiptoes, etc...) to the different cards you call out. Call out just a color or shape (yellow or triangle) or get more specific and call both together (red triangle), it depends entirely on your child's ability. Play together or challenge your child on their own. Switch it up and have your child challenge you!
You're targeting so many wonderful skill sets: color identification, shape identification, letter/word identification, visual scanning, gross motor skills, processing auditory directions, and following multiple step directions if you call out several movements at once.