OT Activity of the Day:
Painting with spaghetti
Target Age Range: 2 and up (no eating!)
So now that I'm looking at this picture again, it looks a little suspicious. In hindsight, maybe red was not the best paint choice for this picture ha. But this is nothing more than cooked spaghetti that I dyed red with red paint. To paint with spaghetti all you have to do is cook the spaghetti and drain it. When it's cool enough, place the spaghetti in a bag with paint, mix it all up and you have the beginnings of a masterpiece.
This is another great sensory experience for kids. Some kids will love this and dive right in, while some may be more hesitant. For those that shy away from messy play you can always add a fork or paint brush for them to use. Eventually they may become more comfortable and use their hands, but until then allow them to use these simple strategies for comfort.