OT Activity of the Day:
Beaded Turkey
Age Range: 3 and up
This is a great activity for all those Preschoolers out there. For the young ones, there may be the need for a bit of set up, for the older Preschoolers and even the Kindergartners, they can be more independent.
To make the turkey: Grab an empty toilet paper roll and hole punch a hole in the back (I did two holes on top of each other to make one big hole so I could fit all the pipe cleaners in). Then take your pipe cleaners, I used four and cut them in half, however you can use however many you would like and you can choose to cut them or not! I then gathered the pipe cleaners at one end and twisted them so they were twisted together and then I put the twisted part through the hole and pinched them to the side so they were secure.
To decorate: you can use markers to make the face of the turkey, you can use construction paper/scissors/glue, or you can use a combination! For the feathers, all you need are some beads!
This is a great fine motor activity. The hole punching is a great way to work on hand strength and the beading is a great way to work on visual motor and fine motor manipulation. This is also a great way to keep those kids busy as you’re making the Thanksgiving meal!