OT FUN at Home
This is the letter “A” on a Post-it on my wall. Why is there a letter “A” on a Post-it on my wall? Well for one, my painter’s tape and construction paper are all at the office (apparently I decided neither was important to grab before hunkering down at home-cue eye roll), second, it’s because we’re going on a letter hunt! If you have a child who is working on letter identification or letter writing then this activity is “write” (haha-get it?) up your alley!
To play all you need to do is hide letters all over your house. You can use Post-its, you can use construction paper and painter’s tape, you can also use magnetic letters and tape them around the house, you can use whatever you have! Not only will your child be working on letter identification and/or letter writing, but they will be moving as well, something we can all use a little more of these days.
Once the letters are hidden, you can tell your child which letter to find or they can identify letters as they find them. As you find them, you can write them! If your child is resistant to pencil and paper, that’s OK! Grab a cookie sheet and throw some dried rice or pasta or beans in it and they can use their finger to make the letter in the dried food on the cookie tray! There is a visual of what this can look like on another “OT FUN at Home” post should you need it:).
Pro-Tip! If your child is working on site words or spelling words, they can easily be substituted for the letters.
Stay safe and healthy and enjoy!