Today we’re switching back to all things Max and what I’m doing to entertain my 15 month old during the quarantine. To help during the hours between afternoon nap and dinner time, I’ve started doing “surprise bags”. Honestly I’m hoping to switch to outside play and exploration soon, but the weather just doesn’t want to always cooperate. So for the time being, we’re inside, using “surprise bags”.
Now these don’t need to be fancy, just find a small bag of any kind (could even be a lunch bag) and fill it with a fine motor or visual motor activity that they can play. For Max, he loves his truck and shapes. Ordinarily he might play with this for a few minutes and move on but when you’re pulling shapes out of a bag (or dumping them) suddenly it adds a little more fun and is more engaging:).
There are some great early skills that are at work here. By holding the bag with one hand and reaching into it and pulling out a shape with the other, Max is practicing some nice bilateral coordination. Placing the shapes in the correct hole (something he definitely needs more help with) is a great way to practice visual motor and fine motor skills (he’s got great finger isolation as he uses his index finger to push in shapes that I’ve placed partially in the hole).
Other ideas:
markers and then have your child color on large paper that you have spread out on the floor or table.
window markers and then use a squirt bottle to wipe down the mess afterwards (great for building hand strength!)
books that you’re child can look at and turn the pages to
empty spice container filled with a favorite food (they have to untwist to get the food)
I hope you have fun with your surprise bag! Stay safe and enjoy!