OT FUN at Home
Well, I think it’s safe to say that most families are now participating in “Distance Learning”. Good luck and Godspeed.
This also means that you may be in the market for some movement break ideas. The whole idea of a movement break is to allow your child a chance to move their body and refocus. If you have plastic eggs laying around the house then you have a super fun way to introduce a movement break!
I’ve used my plastic eggs in a variety of different ways, I’ve used them as strict movement breaks and I’ve also used them to work on following 2-3 step directions (to help with sequencing and motor planning). Here are some ideas for movement breaks:
jumping into pillows
jumping jacks/stride jumps
high knees
hugging self/pillow
stomping feet
running in place
animals walks
wall push ups
chair push ups
jumping up and down
yoga moves (downward dog)
forward roll
wiggle dance (basically they can move around however they want to “get the wiggles out”)
freeze dance
stretching-can be different from a yoga move
neck rolls
A good movement break lasts 5-7 minutes so several eggs can be used. to help transition back into the work you can have your child take a few deep breaths or play with some putty or play doh for 2-3 minutes and then re-engage in the work.
You can also use the eggs to meet goals like writing,-you can put writing prompts in the eggs, or math-you can put math problems in the eggs:). All in all they are a pretty versatile item!
Stay safe and healthy!