OT FUN at Home
This activity is really geared towards the young ones (I’m talking like 10 months to 2 years)., but can be scaled up for just about anyone!
This is jello (or whatever organic variation Whole Foods had) and in it are some of Max’s favorite things, his cups! When he wakes up from his nap we’re taking this puppy outside and playing with it! He can dig out his toys and eat the jello and I don’t care how messy it gets because A) we’ll be outside and B) it’s quarantine, anything goes at this point. But from an OT standpoint it is all about exploration so I’m excited to see how it goes!
For older kiddos you can hide letters inside and have your child write the letter as they pull it out. You can do a color sort and you can have a piece of paper next to the container with patches of color on it and then your child can find a toy and match it to the color. Really, any variation will be perfect!
As with any sensory experience, I would recommend laying a blanket down first and then have towels nearby to make a quick clean up!
Stay safe and healthy and enjoy!